事实 & 排名

的 110-acre campus on 萨拉索塔 Bay is home to 698 students 和 90+ full-time faculty engaged in interdisciplinary research 和 collaborative learning. 网赌平台网站创新教育模式 和 senior capstone/thesis requirement foster students’ intellectual exploration 和 personal accountability. 的 College’s rigorous curriculum prepares students for the dem和s of doctoral 和 professional degree programs. Our student-centered academic mission 和一个ffordable state tuition consistently attract high rankings 和 praise from U.S. 新闻 & 《网赌平台网站》《网赌平台网站》和《赌城平台网站》.

结果是, New College is the top public college in the nation for the percentage of its graduates who go on to earn PhDs. 发现 新大学毕业生的成果.


有关更多细节,请参阅我们的 事实的书, 哪一个 contain information 和 statistics on institutional enrollment, 学生的特点, 招生政策, 学术服务, 教师和班级规模, 财政资源, 人事及图书馆资源.

  • 学位授予: 文学学士,数据科学理学硕士
  • 登记: 689名本科生和研究生(2022年秋季)
  • 师生比例: 6:1
  • 平均班级人数: 11
  • Percent of full-time faculty with doctorate or terminal degree in field: 98%
  • 专任教师人数: 94
  • U号.S. 选项D。.C. 波多黎各代表: 34
  • 出席会议的外国数目: 14
  • 州内/州外比率: 81% / 19%
  • 2022年秋季录取班级概况(中间50%):
    • 高中GPA: 3.7 – 4.4
    • 考试分数: 1100 - 1320 sat, 22 - 29 act
  • 学费:佛罗里达州居民 $6,916; 走读生 $29,944
  • 食宿: $10,489
  • Accreditation: Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools to award the Bachelor of Arts Degree 和 Master’s in Science in Data Science
  • 机构的预算: $56.700万年 (教育和一般预算40美元.8 million, 哪一个 includes revenues 从 State of Florida, plus tuition 和 fees)


年复一年, we consistently attract the attention of the most prestigious arbiters of excellence in higher education, 在全国排名中名列前茅 U.S. 新闻 & 《网赌平台网站》、《赌城平台网站》、《网赌平台网站》普林斯顿评论. 


网赌平台网站位于萨拉索塔县北部, near the 萨拉索塔-Bradenton International Airport 和 just one hour south of Tampa, 从萨拉索塔市中心乘公共汽车或骑自行车10分钟即可到达, 哪一个 杂志将其评为美国“最佳居住地”之一.”

Nearby cultural 和 recreational resources abound, including the John & 梅布尔·林林艺术博物馆, 位于赌城平台网站隔壁, 以及西斯塔岛的白色沙滩, 被博士评为美国最佳海滩. 海滩.

的 110-acre campus blends classic l和mark buildings with modern facilities. 网赌平台网站的 visionary master plan incorporates state-of-the-art environmental design into campus architecture 和 l和scaping.

的 main Bayfront campus lies along the Gulf of Mexico on the former estate of circus magnate Charles Ringling. Enter through the iconic Ringling arch 和 stroll down canopied Dort Promenade all the way to College 和 Cook Halls, connected by a colonnade opening onto a vast lawn 和 萨拉索塔 Bay, 最受欢迎的瑜伽和日落聚会场所.

穿过Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41)与架空人行天桥相连的是裴校区, hub of student 和 residential life 和 home to five “green” residence halls 和一个 student union with its own Black Box 的ater.

凯普斯校区, home to the Caples Fine Arts Complex 和 Environmental Studies program, 位于林陵博物馆南面的湾滨道. Behind the Caples Mansion 和 right on the bay is the New College 滨水项目.

Our newest first-class facilities include a renovation of the 简·班克罗夫特·库克图书馆, major addition to the Heiser Natural Sciences Center Complex  with teaching 和 research labs for chemistry, 生物学, 计算科学, physics 和 math; a dedicated Academic Center 和 Koski Plaza incorporating sustainable features; the 公共考古实验室 用于处理和解释工件, 准备考古现场报告, 和 storing excavated findings; 和 普利兹克海洋生物学研究中心 拥有7个研究实验室和100多个水族馆.

资助,奖项, & 赞誉

  • Ozy天才奖托尼Ginsberg-Klemmt was one of ten college students in the country to earn a 2021 Ozy天才奖 for her patent-pending invention called GismoPower—a mobile solar carport with an integrated electric vehicle charger that she designed for the New College campus.
  • PiLA奖学金肯塔基州米勒 earned a Princeton in Latin America (PiLA) fellowship to work in partnership with rural 和 indigenous communities in Latin America to conserve ecologically critical 和 sensitive l和scapes—while protecting 和一个dvocating for their right to stewardship of ancestral l和scapes.
  • 吉尔曼奖学金-塞拉·兰姆, a的接受者 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金, documented the status of Syrian refugees living in camps in Jordan for a research project for the School For International Training.
  • Boren Fellowship - Hailey McGleam became the first New College student to earn a Boren Fellowship. 的 fellowship will support her research on creating an informational program for students at 南京大学 和 约翰霍普金斯大学南京中心, in order to create awareness on the dangers of single-use plastics 和 work with local businesses to reduce the use of these plastics.
  • 国家科学基金会研究生研究奖学金-考特尼·米勒 和 本杰明·瓦伦 获得美国国家科学基金会研究生研究奖学金攻读博士学位.D. studies in software engineering 和 social psychology respectively.
  • 〇盖伊·哈维奖学金 的 Guy Harvey Ocean 基金会 awarded a $5,000 scholarship to 塞西莉亚汉普顿 to support her research into bull shark movements in the Manatee River.

当涉及到研究经费时, 荣誉及奖励, the New College faculty chalk up achievements out of proportion to a school our size.  学生也受益, because they are able to participate in the “real world learning” research opportunities made available by the these grants.

  • 的 匹兹堡分析化学家学会 新书院的 化学项目 a $10,000 本科分析研究计划(UARP) 红潮研究补助金. 的 funds will enable 访问ing 大学助理教授 化学 Levente巴氏, Ph.D. 和 his undergraduate students to study 和 monitor harmful algae blooms (HABs) in Florida during the 2021-2022 academic year.
  • 大学助理教授 化学 丽贝卡·布莱克, Ph.D. 获得了55000美元 本科新研究者(UNI)资助 从 石油研究基金 (由 美国化学会(ACS))来支持新大学的STEM研究.
  • 历史与国际研究副教授 夏时 earned a Fulbright award to carry out research in Taiwan for her next book Concubines in Public: Embodied Subjects 和 Politics of the Private in Republican China.
  • 英语教授 罗伯特Zamsky earned the 2020 Elizabeth Agee Award in American Literature for his forthcoming book, 奥尔甫斯弯:音乐与创新诗学 (阿拉巴马大学出版社,2021年8月).
  • 网赌平台网站赢得了第一个 美国国家人文基金会 人文连接策划补助金. 该奖项将使学院进一步发展健康, Culture 和 Societies (HCS) Joint-Disciplinary Area of Concentration (AOC) undergraduate offering.
  • 教授 莎拉·埃尔南德斯 和 女王扎布里斯基 被《赌城平台网站》评为2021年团结奖.
  • 宗教和伊斯兰研究助理教授 Nassima Neggaz earned a 2021-22 fellowship 从 Paris Institute for Advanced Study for “Sunni 和 Shii Memories: Remembering 1258 After 2003”.